Practice: The Little Mermaid
Find a synonym and an antonym for each word.
- top
- strange
- amazement
- immediately
- come close
- go up
- faint
- forever
- break a rule
- mean
- worry too much
- agreeing to help
- willing
- peculiar
- instantly
- approach
- surface
- rise
- awe
- disobey
- panic
- unconscious
- nasty
- permanent
- go far away
- hesitant
- sink
- normal
- follow orders
- gradually
- be calm
- bottom
- boredom
- temporary
- awake
- nice
Finish the sentences with the following words:
[ willing – stroll – insisted – instantly – splash – panic ]
1. The couple went for a quiet ____________ through the park.
2. I don’t want to get wet, so don’t ____________ me!
3. I wanted to stay out until midnight, but my mom _____________ that I come home by 10:00.
4. I love children, so I am always ____________ to watch my little cousins.
5. If there is a fire, it is important not to ___________.
6. E-mail is wonderful because you can send and receive letters _______________.
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Finish the sentences with the following words:
[ beyond – sink – gazed – rule – nasty – explore – awe ]
7. In my house, it is a ___________ that we can’t watch TV after 9:00 p.m.
8. I live just ____________ that building.
9. I don’t like the new student because she is always ___________ to everyone.
10. A rock will _____________ in water.
11. When I saw my favorite actor in a restaurant, I was in ____________.
12. The young man _____________ at the beautiful girl all night.
13. I want to travel and _____________ new countries.
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Finish the sentences with the following words:
[ attracted – unconscious – rise – observe – pour – obey –
believe my eyes ]
14. I’m all wet because it started to _____________ while I was walking home.
15. The boy was _____________ after he fell out of the tree.
16. You should ____________ your parents.
17. A loud noise ______________ my attention.
18. I like to sit quietly in the park and _____________ birds.
19. When I saw Santa Claus in my house, I couldn’t ______________.
20. I watched the balloon _____________ in the sky.
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Complete the story with the following words:
[ furious - panic - human - mansion - familiar - rule - hypnotized - shore - romantic - nasty - surface - rose - unconscious - permanently - awe - disobeyed - peculiar ]
Ariel’s father was very strict. He forbid Ariel to go to the ______________ of the water. But one day Ariel _____________ her father. When she __________ to the top of the water, she saw very _____________ things. She was in __________! Then she saw a handsome man on a ship. A storm started and the man fell into the water. Ariel rescued him and lugged him to ___________. The man was alive but ______________.
Ariel’s father was ____________ because Ariel broke his most important ___________. So Ariel went to find the sea witch. The sea witch said she could transform Ariel into a ____________. If she kissed her true love before sunset on the third day, Ariel could be a human _____________!
Ariel met the handsome man on the beach, but she could not speak. But the man knew that Ariel looked ____________. He invited her to stay in his ____________. When they started to fall in love, the ___________ sea witch transformed into a beautiful girl and she ______________ the handsome man. The man fell in love with the sea witch. Ariel began to __________ because this was terrible!
Suddenly Ariel’s father appeared and broke the witch’s evil spell. The handsome man ran to Ariel and gave her a very ____________ kiss.
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Match with the definition:
- dying to
- beyond
- peculiar
- surface
- rise
- awe
- gaze
- wild
- lug
- stir
- instantly
- pour
- amazement, surprise
- pull
- not tame
- look at for a long time
- move a little
- rain hard
- immediately
- really want to do something
- farther, past
- strange, unusual
- go up
- the top of the water
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Match with the definition:
- dive
- disobey
- familiar
- mansion
- canoe
- romantic
- nasty
- approach
- a stroll
- sink
- observe
- crash
- a slow walk
- a small boat
- go down in water
- to come closer
- jump into water head first
- mean, cruel
- hit against something
- about love
- break the rules
- something you know or have seen before
- a very big house
- to watch without participating